Price It Right: How Win-Loss Analytics Helped Improve Pricing Strategy
By analyzing won and lost deals, we provided insights for offering the right discounts, resulting in reduced non-standard discounts and improved ARR.
Aug 10, 2021 | Case Study
Business Objective
Our client’s customer care team exceeded industry benchmarks across key customer support metrics, one-touch cases, time to resolution, etc. However, their customers didn’t realize the good care they were getting. We built a support dashboard for our client’s end customers.
The Approach
Support dashboard within the product displaying the following metrics:
By analyzing won and lost deals, we provided insights for offering the right discounts, resulting in reduced non-standard discounts and improved ARR.
Scalefresh designed and built data workflows and dashboards to identify and visualize service and support attach metrics enabling the client to drive higher attach rates.
Scalefresh built an advanced fuzzy-based data workflow to remove duplicate customer information, enabling an accurate view of customers and their renewal opportunities.