Do Your Customers Know How Good Your Support is?

Aug 10, 2021 | Case Study

Business Objective

Our client’s customer care team exceeded industry benchmarks across key customer support metrics, one-touch cases, time to resolution, etc. However, their customers didn’t realize the good care they were getting. We built a support dashboard for our client’s end customers.

The Approach

  • Understood the problem through interviews and discussions
  • Made a list of the dashboard components based on the interviews and determined information hierarchy
  • Wireframed support metrics and charts, balanced information density and readability
  • Applied client’s style guide, colors, and fonts
  • Tested the initial design with a pilot audience and refined based on feedback


Support dashboard within the product displaying the following metrics:

  • Open tickets by status
  • Tickets resolved in one touch and within 24 hours
  • Tickets created and closed monthly trend
  • Median time to resolution
  • Downloadable tickets report

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