Data Tools We Would Recommend

 September 02, 2020 | Article

Are you confused with the sheer amount of choices available in the market for data tools? Are you also confused about which data tool to use for what purpose? If yes, then you are not alone. That’s why we have compiled a list of data tools we like to use.

data tools, data analytics, data science, data visualization, knime, alteryx, snowflake, stitch, fivetran, matillion, data pipeline

 Data Analysis & Machine Learning


Powerful but underrated. The desktop version is free! A must-have tool for everyone, ranging from data analysts who have outgrown Excel to data engineers (prep data for your ML models in hours instead of days/weeks/5000 lines of code on Jupyter). They just launched their server edition on AWS marketplace. Give it a spin!


A business analyst focused, self-service data analysis, and workflow tool. Even though it’s a bit pricey, it’s a super easy tool with an intuitive user interface. It works well with Tableau and removes the dependency on IT. A business user can now ‘wrangle’ with data and build data transformation workflows in minutes. 

Data Visualization & BI


Analytics tool for business intelligence reporting and data visualization. It’s an Enterprise grade solution that works well with SharePoint and Azure. If you are on Office365, i.e., Microsoft ecosystem, you should consider this.


The benchmark tool that leads the way with modern visualization and business intelligence capabilities.


Cloud-based business intelligence reporting and dashboard tool. It’s effortless to use; your users don’t even need training. It comes with built-in connectors to 100s of SaaS apps and databases. With Domo, you can truly ‘plug and visualize,’ in minutes.

Data Warehouse – Stores all your data for fast BI reporting and analytics purposes


Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehouse you can kick start with a credit card. It provides incredible scaling ability at a great value. It also decouples processing power and storage, so you can automatically scale up (larger computing power for large queries) and scale across (increases number of compute-clusters, for more users having smaller queries). Moreover, the storage costs of Snowflake are on par with S3. Say goodbye to your slower and expensive legacy data warehouses.

Data Pipelines & ETL


Matillion is a cloud-native, visual ETL tool. It executes the transformations within cloud data warehouses, taking full advantage of the data warehouse’s parallelism. It also eliminates the need for a separate compute infrastructure.

Stitch & Fivetran:

Powerful Extract and Load tools, you can connect all your SaaS applications and application backend to a cloud data warehouse in minutes.

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